Monday, June 28, 2010

Action has been taken

Sometimes I feel like I move to slow. I think about decisions over and over in my mind. I talk with people I admire. I want to see if things are the right thing to do or not. But all this waiting and thinking can take it's toll and sometimes action just needs to be taken. That's what I experienced this week and I feel so much better.

I left my job this weekend and I am packing up to return home. I have enjoyed my time in the Northeast but this is not home for me. I miss Seattle. I miss the Northwest with it's wet weather and all.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

On the right path

For the last six months I have taken a break. I challenge myself to a new town, a new job and a new way of thinking. What's wonderful about this challenge is it has brought me back to my core dream.

I have decided to go back to school! I am now starting to prepare for this journey by buying used text books in the area's I know I want to learn about. When I return to the Northwest I will also be returning back to school to go for my postbac second degree in Business and then it is off for my MBA. This has been a dream of mine for the last ten years but one I did not feel ready for at the time. But after these life changing last few years I now have the confidence and peace of mind to go for it. I do not want to feel like I am wasting what interesting and precious time I have on wishing I could be going back to school and starting my own company again. I want to be out there actively working towards this goal.

I received my first text book yesterday morning and I am already into chapter 4 with a brand new notebook full of notes. I am taking my time reading, digesting the information and really thinking about what I am learning. It felt like Christmas when I opened the shipping box to reveal my shiny slightly used text book. I immediately took the book and my notebook to the coffee house I live above and dove right in. It felt great. I then took myself out to dinner last night and again took my book and notebook and filled my time at mission with studying.

I feel the happiest I have felt in months. My energy is lighter and I am so excited about this new adventure. I know it is the best next step for me. When I return home I will be receiving all my business magazines and newspapers that I used to get and this will make me giddy. I love it when I have a goal. Life suddenly has meaning and a purpose for me.

My other plan for the rest of this year is to take a trip down to Palo Alto to visit Standford and the d. School....... Oh that will just be the icing on the cake but I always loved the icing the best.

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

I'm back

It has been a long time!

After taking many months to refresh and return to a balanced state of health, I am back! Sometimes we just need a new place, a few months to clear our heads and a 5 star spa to help us return to sanity. ( I worked at the Spa- I did not stay there)

So I am planning on packing up and moving back to Seattle. I plan on returning to school to start working towards getting my MBA. I am going to return to the tech world and return to my friends. This is the best decision for me at this moment an I am so excited to start the ball in motion. Lately I have been reading a book called The Blushing MBA . I bought this book when I was just starting to realize that I wanted to go back to school. I wanted to try an get an insiders look at what it might be like to return to school and in a field that is so far from where I was in college. While reading this book I realized that the most interesting and exciting parts were the list of classes they got to take while in school. Marketing, product development, brand development, international business, management and team building...etc... I went out and started to ordering some intro used text books to start preparing. I started to look at course descriptions online. I realized that I am really interested in business and I can't wait to get started on this adventure. I will miss the candles but I want to be able to learn to take my next company to the next level and for this I will need more education.

This has all been kind of a mind blowing experience for me since I did not really like school when I was younger. Nor was I very interested in anything that was business related. Or maybe it was just that the schools never realized my natural interests. Every since I was a young kid I always wanted to own a store. I loved the idea of running a little gift shop and always wanted to work for one. I grew up around artists and people that made their living making products. I sold my art at a young age. So maybe this interest has always been there. It's just now starting to take form and I am finally at a place where I have the confidence to act on this dream.

So that's where I have been. I am physically in great shape. I can now exercise and not be in pain. My energy has returned and I am clear headed. I have detoxed all the medications out of my system and I am in a very balanced place. I feel like I have gotten my spark back in life and I am taking good care of myself. It's a great place to be and I am glad I was able to return to this positive place after such a traumatic experience. Sometimes life throws curve balls and it take strength and determination to get through them. But once you are on the other side, there is a place that is better than from where you were. I don't mind that I got sick. I don't mind all the pain and suffering I was in over the last three years because I am excited about the future. I am excited to be healthy and able to be positive about the future again. I am excited to be alive.