Friday, June 09, 2006

I need to really post more....

I am so sorry!

I really need to post more. At night when I get home I am so tired and uninspired that blogging seems like the last thing I would want to do.
But then I still read blogs daily and get sad when my favorite bloggers have not posted. So my new summers resolution is to blog at least three times a week!

Today I am getting my eyes checked because I need glasses. It is the sad truth. I am the last one in my family to get glasses. However, my time has come. I have picked out a nice pink and black pair that I think look good.

In other news Doreen Virtue is coming to Seattle on June 17th!
I have yet to admit this to anyone but I am going to see her. I am actually really excited to see what it will be like. Luckily for me, some friends from Portland are coming up to see her as well so I know I like 3 people who will be there already.

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