Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Learn from my mistakes

This has been my theme lately.
I have stopped being so critical of myself and I have decided to treat life like a science experiment or math problem. If you make a mistake, learn from it and move on until the desired outcome is reached.

This is a big shift for me. I used to be so frozen from fear and negative thoughts.
I feel free, mature and very grounded!

My other exciting lesson right now is to stop being a victim. I have taken a situation in which I felt victimized and I am turning it around to a place where I am in control, level headed and all emotions have left the situation. I understand what is happening, I know it is wrong and I am willing to walk away from it. I will not play a part in this negative cycle.

Oh, and I did Yoga today so I feel GREAT!!!!!

Starting next week, I might take some private lessons.
That is going to be great!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Emily. It's a great news that you plan to get your private yoga lesson.

Hope you get the most out of it.

I've just written about it in my blog. I linked you up there so people can learn from you. Hope you're ok with that.