Friday, September 10, 2021

Working with time

I am trying to carve out a little time each day to write again.  It's uncomfortable for me to do this.  The amount of effort it takes to convince my brain to try is exhausting.  The questions I ask myself, the excuses I have ranging from my neuropathy that I develop in my hands to my chemo brain that can cause me to write the same thing again. and again.  Short term memory be dammed.  

Plus, the act of writing feels like a lifetime ago.  Something I stopped doing right at my time of diagnosis.  Other lifetimes.  I changed and I am not sure how to write for this new self I am becoming.  

I need to place to let my thoughts out so this blogging idea is good.  Just a little spot where I can pick myself back up, piece by piece.  Figure out who I am again.  This time around, I am doing it slowly and with intention.  I will only pick up pieces that feel easy and loving.  I will learn to flow with the universe more.  I will see change not as scary but as adventure.  What new pieces will fit into this puzzle?

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