This morning as I was taking a few minutes to settle my thoughts and review my intentions for the day; I picked up one of my special books I keep next to my bed. It was the new " Trust Your Vibes at Work" by Sonia Choquette. I randomly picked a chapter and the quote at the opening is what my theme is for the day. It also nicely connects with my theme for the year-
EMILY LOVES 2006.This quote got me thinking. What is it that I love? What is it that I want to broadcast to the world? I know sometimes these questions are very easy to answer, most of the time I feel life I am a great positive addition to this world. I love to look at the brighter side of life, of changes and mostly importantly I love challenges and I think they are great opportunities for growth.
But I must at admit there are days, like today, when trying to answer the question of what do I love, is the hardest thing in the world to do. I just don't know. Yes, it is true. I do have bad days, tricky days, grumpy days and just plain sucky days. I am human.
However, one nice thing that is nice is it never takes very long for me to snap out of this negative pattern. So I made a list of 10 things that I love right now. I figured it could not hurt the situation and I love taking action that will help me lift myself out of the funk I am in.
So here is my list:
1. I love making intentional products that help people. I love sharing my passion for herbs, oils, aroma therapy and flower essences. I love hearing stories from the people I have helped. I love getting people excited about co-creating a life they love.
2. I love hardwood floors. We just moved into a house last week that has hard wood floors. I love how easy they are to clean and how beautiful the look.
3. I love old growth forests and the Washington rain Forest. I love spending time among the trees, I love learning from them. I love the energy they are willing to share if only we could sit and be still for a few hours.
4. I love friends that are supportive and positive. I love community. I love doing circle work and sharing with positive and supportive people. I love how I feel when we are all present and helping each other.
5. I love my acceptance and love for my intuitive gifts and lifestyle. I have met so many people over my lifetime that are so out of touch with their natural gifts or who think they are wrong for having them. I love that I never felt bad about these gifts and I always try to share that acceptance with people so that they can lead a truly divine life.
6. I love my parents for always supporting my intuitive gifts and interests.
7. I love reading and Writing. They are two things I can not live without. I always find time everyday to read and write.
8. I love the internet and being able to connect with people all over the world who share my passions and interests. I love all the people I have met online.
9. I love living near a body of water. I love taking my dog there to go swimming. I love the sounds of the ocean, the sound and the mists of a lake.
10. I love the free business advisor I have started to work with who is really nice and loves my products.
Wow!After making this list I feel so grounded, energized and excited. I feel like the universe is abundant and I am ready to receive.
I encourage everyone to make a list of things they love and either send it to me or post it in the comments page. It always is fun to read what other people love!