This morning was filled with writing at Cafe Fiore in Old Town Ballard. I have had a writing assignment for myself that was given in the beginning of June. However, with my health crisis I had not been able to work on this project but because of my birthday coming up and the monster life changes I am starting to implement, I decided that this morning was the morning to leave the house and office and just focus on myself.
I had the Seville drink which includes bittersweet coca and orange zest. It was not overly sweet and the flavors were just right for my stomach. I am for the most part of a totally fresh diet with coffee and toast thrown in as treats. I was able to stand and write which is better on my back and this marked the first morning I have been able to leave the house alone and not go to a doctors office. It was nice. I had to leave after only an hour because my leg started to bother me but I am very grateful for that hour I was able to do something I had been trying to do for months.
Yesterday was another hard day for me. The large scale life changes of my situation has started to sink in and my understanding of life as I have known it will never be repeated has finally hit me. I am no longer the same person. I have met various people as I traveled in life who always had these health issues that changed their lives or robbed their lives of what they were doing just prior to the injury. I had never been able to relate since all my health issues started so early and I was always able to bounce back right away. But not this time. I can now join the club of health related life changing events and the aftermath it leaves behind. But I am lucky that I had enough time to prepare for it that my company remains intact and running smoothly!
This weekend that just passed allowed enough sunshine for me to walk around Green Lake with two wonderful lady friends of mine. They are both kind enough to take the time and walk really slow with me as I begin rehabilitation to be able to walk again. It is hard. I feel and must look like an old person trying very hard to move. It is such a difference from five months ago where I was a busy bee. But with each step I hurt less and it's one step closer to healing.
This holiday weekend coming up marks my family birthday celebration. I am having a very small and intimate affair with my family to celebrate my birthday but also and more importantly to celebrate my family and the love and help they have provided for me as I return to a more normal and social life. My nephew will really be the bell of the ball and I have requested digital camera's to be brought so I can photograph him. Actually this was something I was realizing I really need to purchase along with a PC computer. Maybe I will just go ahead and purchase these two items. I know my life will be different with them and I know they will really benefit my company. I just am scared because they feel like such huge purchases.
Ok, I am off to read the new Paulo Coelho book, Brida and rest. I need to conserve my energy this week so I can be fully present for this weekend.