I finally hit the moment where I am swimming in my clothing. There is more fabric than my body frame can handle anymore.
I have to say that really changing my body shape and size has been a very strange adventure. In some ways it has made me feel weak and small. I know this is not true since I am changing my body by lifting weights 6 days a week and I am actually incredibly strong. But I am smaller and more toned and it's been a long time since I was this size. It's just weird to feel like the shrinking lady.
I also hired a personal trainer. It's a large investment and not one I am taking lightly. I am investing in my health and spending hard earned money on changing my life. I don't normally spend money on things like a trainer but I realized that I wanted the extra help to really change my lifestyle and to help me train on how to properly lift weights. Having a trainer has been amazing! She is tough and yet super fun. She has helped me to work on some of my problem areas and keeps me moving forward. At this point I am working out 6 days a week. 2 days a week I meet with my trainer but the rest of the week it's up to me to not be lazy and do at least 45 mins of work a day.
Focusing on my health has also allowed me to slow down the stress about work situation. I am more focused on my life outside the office which allows me to come into the office, perform miracles for the marketing department and then go sweat my tush off. It's helping me to be balanced and grateful for my wonderful job and company. And to prepare for the right thing to happen next.... Which I know will happen!
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