Sunday, July 07, 2013

Summer of writing

It's with a heavy heart that I return to an old passion of mine.   I have been spending a lot of time these last few weeks writing, reading, dreaming and going inward to reveal the pain of my soul and clean it out. 
I am reminded of periods of my life where with journal in hand, I would write for hours.  I would sit quiet and just pour my soul out on paper.  I had visions for my life that needed to be put down on paper.  I had dreams that swayed my emotions one way or another.  I had broken hearts that consumed my every thought and I had lovers that caused my mind to wander to area's of my soul that they could not touch.  I would write for days trying to calm my mind and my soul. I would put together the pieces of my life so that I could simply wake up again the next morning and do it all again.

Why I walked away from this practice I am not sure.  Life got complicated.  I lost my confidence to push myself beyond the mundane of my daily life.  I learned that I was unlovable and thus my words must be insignificant.  And I shut down to any of my dreams coming true.  I simply had to survive.  But my latest heart ache has ripped my soul apart.  I am consumed between longing for someone and trying to find myself again.  This person has no idea the effect they have had on me. They simply moved on and yet here I am lost at sea and being swept along by the creativity gods.  All because I allowed myself to love someone.

It's been a rough time for me but I feel like I am starting to see the light of day again.  There is an end to this pain.  I can not keep shinning a light in the darkest areas of my soul without clearing out the pain in the process.  I can not shut my heart down again simply because I made a wrong decision. And I can not walk away from my voice again because it deserves to be heard.  My life is so full of pleasure, of moments of happiness and of discovery that I must put them down on paper.    

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