Sunday, May 07, 2006

New Rule

This weekend I realized how much my thoughts run away from me. I will be focused on a simple task like weeding and suddenly I start thinking about work, friends, Portland or more work issues.
And I realized that I must stop thinking of work when I am not at work.

So starting today anytime I think about work when I am not there, I will gently remind myself of this new rule. I have so many other more wonderful things to think about.

Such as my friend who needed money this week and burned one of my candles only to learn the next day that he was going to get a bonus from work!

Or that I have been doing a lot more readings lately that have been very success and helpful for my clients.

Once I starting focusing on these things all my worries disappear. I think I am going through a big soul lesson right now about how even the smallest thought counts and it is time to really focus on manifesting my desires in each thought.

Also, my soul lesson right now is to HAVE FAITH...

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