Thursday, November 08, 2007

Pomagrantes and late night walks

This weekend I fell in love.

I read a book called Kiss me I'm Single: An Ode To the Solo Life.
While I was reading this book and enjoying being a part of the Crave Show in Seattle, the author Amanda Ford came up and signed some books. I was able to talk with her about how much I was enjoying her book. Reading her book was like reading my cool sister's diary. She has an outlook on life and an energy that is infectious for loving life. I hope to create a candle in her honor because her book made me realize how amazing and loving life is no matter what.

I am off next week for my show in New York. I am also busy making tea lights for Glassy Baby.
Preparing for the Ladies who Launch show in December and my booth at the Rainier Club on Tuesday! It has been a very busy month and I am so sorry I have not written more.

Tomorrow I pick up another 100 pounds of wax and more essential oils. Candle making is quickly becoming the thing I truly love in life. I can be at my studio for 10 or more hours and be so calm and peaceful when I leave all thanks to my love of candle making. I feel so passionate about it. It's like falling in love with your soul mate. No matter how cranky I am when I get to the studio, by the time I leave, I am calm and settled.

My other passion in life right now is Rick Bass and his book Winter : Notes from Montana. I keep rereading passages of this book and then taking long walks at Discovery Park to think about what I read. He really is a beautiful writer and his books have me longing to move to Montana or Mississippi to experience a tiny piece of his world. Actually, on my road trip I took this summer with my friend Jeff, we did go near Rick Bass in Montana. Jeff and I decided to drive back from Great Falls, Montana where my family lives to Seattle on Highway 2. We had dinner in a town called Libby, Montana after swimming in the most beautiful Glacier Swimming hole I had ever seen. So in September on a day when it was almost snowing at Glacier, Jeff and I jumped into the water in front of 10 people that all gasped when I jumped in. After 20 minutes we put on our most warm and cozy clothing and kept on driving.

What I did not know at the time was that Rick Bass wrote about his life an hour or so outside of Libby. I now wished we could have stayed longer or gone off deeper into the woods to see what Rick Bass saw while writing this book.

But alas, I will just have to use my imagination and think about my next road trip. I am thinking Mississippi in January.

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