Everyone has one. That item in your closet that brings you feelings of joy, comfort and safety. This item has been with you longer than most of your friends. It could be your favorite band shirt, your baby blanket or for me it is an extra large grey cashmere scarf. This scarf was given to me by my adopted aunty Reni Moriarity. Reni is always a hero and mentor of mine. She throws the best dinner parties, she is an amazing cook and always has funny stories about country life. Her house is a log cabin made by her husband. It is my dream of a home. I long to be a child again so I can go spend the weekend in the country with Reni. I grew up getting to spend the night in the loft beds that Mark (her husband) built.
So today my grey cashmere scarf came out for my 6 am walk. I had visions of wearing this scarf when I was 16 and met my first boyfriend. I thought about wearing this item when I lived in NYC and the Midwest. I wrapped my head and neck up and walked out into the mist. Ahmi was really happy to be out before all the other dogs came out.
I just got back from hanging out with my nephew. He is under the weather and just wanted to snuggle. Right now the curious George that I bought him is his comfort toy. He likes to bring the George with him when we go on our adventures. Today I tried to make cookies but alas, I think I mixed the cookies and kid's play dough recipe mixed up. The cookies were awful! But Dylan had fun and the times passed by very quickly so I can over look the awful cookies. They were so bad Dylan did not even want to eat them.
I hang my head in shame today because I have lost my golden touch in the kitchen!
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