This weekend was pure heaven! I spent Saturday at my favorite place on Earth. My adopted aunt Reni's house. (see above photo's)
I grew up going to her house as a child and loved it. The best part about this weekend was that she had bought another house, her weekend home, and it was right on the sound. Hence the photo of the dog in front of the water. So we went from one house to the beach house where we spent the day swimming in the Sound, drinking cocktails on her porch and just laughing. The dog in the above photo is not Ahmi but Reni's border collie Tess.
It was so great to visit and even better to go swimming. I even got cold and had to wear a hoodie later in the day! The heat wave that hit last week has just finally started to end. It is still hot but nothing like last week. I used to pride myself on being really pale but this year I am tan. It is a little bit of a shock every time I look in the mirror but I would rather spend time outside walking than being bed ridden again!
Speaking of my health, everything is GREAT! I am off all nerve medications and pain killers. I am able to do 10 hour days again and the best part? My life is truly in balance for once. I can't remember being this happy in a long time. I am truly happy and everyday something magical and exciting happens! I work, I spend time taking care of myself, I spend time with loved ones and I get to decide what I do each and everyday. My body is growing stronger everyday and I am able to return to a more normal life with every week. I feel like I am glowing from love for life. So cheesy yet so true!
I am starting to prepare for the Holiday orders which came in last week and I will be very busy this fall!
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