Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Trying to go with the flow

A decision was made at my work to move my desk without asking me.  I am trying so hard not to freak out about this situation or get mad but I have to admit it's hard.
I usually am very easy going about stuff but this new move is about the worst place you could place me in a situation.  In some ways I feel like a child in school again.  I know what works best for me yet I can't do anything about this situation. And thus I am very unhappy at the moment.

I know I will get over it but I had to take a couple of days off work and I hate it when decisions are made when I am away from the office. 

So I am trying to just focus on catching up in my email and ignoring the situation at the moment.  I am also asking the universe to take care of the situation for me.  I am trying so hard to put all my faith into letting the right thing happen.  But it's so HARD!!!!

The issue has all cleared up and I handled it like a champ. 
Just a little reminder to not get upset but allow the universe to take care of what it needs to take care of.

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