Monday, January 28, 2008
I Heart Glassybaby
And throw in a box of our signature soy tea lights. I keep meaning to mention this addition to our sales. We now have glassybaby soy tea lights. They come in a charming box designed by local talent/artist Jeffrey Mitchell. Knowing that Jeff had a hand in this product's realization is simply good juju. And Emily Mitchell (no relation to Jeffrey) lovingly hand pours each soy tea light...her kool company is Odessa's Herbals. She is good juju too...and these little soy babes last a whopping 6 hours.
This is so exciting and wonderful!
Another thing I keep forgetting to mention is a company right here in Seattle that I love and admire. Ballard Organics. I found this company a few months ago and just fell hard for their products. Then yesterday, by chance I was in Ballard at the farmers market and saw the owner at his booth. It was lovely to see him again. He mentioned that the Holiday season was good and now he has a little time to slow down which is also good for any small business owner. I hope that if you ever see his products, you will pick some up or tell him I sent you. It is always great to support local business' and especially ones that are certified organic soapmakers!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Sunny Days ahead
This is such a blessing for us in the cloudy Northwest. Sometimes I forget there is a Sun that shines. Especially during the winter months.
I have yet to be able to be outside to enjoy it. I have had candle orders coming in, while dealing with more health concerns, so it has been pretty busy around these parts.
I am going hiking this weekend with a good friend and my dog. That is about how exciting my life gets right now. Not really, I am just in the production mode and working hard at new products. I should have some photo's to put up soon.
There is so much more going on, but I just don't have too much time to write about it right now. I wish that I could share everything that is happening. But alas, it is all too much. In a good way of course!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
The candles are about to go public
This is still pretty hush hush so I can not provide too many details but I will be making candles all weekend to prepare for this .
I am so excited to be a part of this exciting event and I can't wait to share it with everyone as we get closer to the day!
Sunday, January 13, 2008
My So Called Life
After a lovely dinner on Friday night with friends, I came home to a package from Amazon that had the complete series of my so called life. One of the best shows ever created. I watched an episode, took a walk with Ahmi and just thought about all the questions that I was asking when I was 16 are still very similar to the questions I think about today. What am I going to do with my life, what will love be like when I find it, how to you change parts of yourself and still be the same person?
It was nice to see that some of these areas I am wiser about, some are not as important and some I have the answers too. And it is nice to know that deep down, I will always be that little girl growing up and just trying to do the best she can. Because now I am that woman who is still growing up and doing the best she can and that 16 year old would be so proud of who I have become.
Another fun note from this weekend. I watched the Packers beat the Seahawks to a pulp, which was awesome. but the best part? I watched the game in between two British Soccer games at my favorite British pub with a very dear old friend who has recently come back into my life. He has been my knight in shining armour in many ways. A friend that loves and cares for me dearly and has helped me through a lot of painful times and good times. He is helping me to learn and grow and I am very thankful for our friendship.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Glassy Baby has the Tealights live!

I am so excited. The picture looks amazing and I just can't believe those are my candles.
Please order your candles now for all of your Glassy Baby's and tell them I sent you!
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Life and Love lessons
Sometimes life gets so busy, it is hard to take the time to examine what is happening.
Lucky, I am in a bit of a slow phase right now and I am looking at all area's of my life and where I am happy along with area's I want to change.
I have been watching the last season of Norther Exposure and Adam asked Dr. Fleischman a question that I have been pondering for the last few days.
"How do you keep the one you love?"
And the answer is....
You don't!
If you truly love someone you let them go. You hold no need to control or posses them. You allow them to just be and yourself to just be.
This is how I feel about my past year. I am allowing all the people to just be. I don't want to control or harbor any negative feelings. I just want them to be and I want to just be.
In other company related news, Glassy Baby will soon have the candles up on their website. This is very exciting for me. And makes me realize I need to revamp my site as well!
I am off to a large dinner party tonight and more candle making tomorrow night.
Monday, January 07, 2008
New Bed
I am changing up the energy in my bedroom and life. I am throwing away all old memories that are no longer serving me in the start of this new year.
It feels good to be getting to this new place. Moving forward and beyond has never felt better to me.
Tomorrow marks a new moon that is filled with power for relationships. Could be good for some and bad for others.
I made candles all weekend and they look amazing. New colors and shapes!
Friday, January 04, 2008
This weekend I welcome a good friend into my studio to join me in making candles. I am very happy to have this guest and look forward to a fun day of talking and candle making.
The holiday season has slowed down and now I am getting more personal candle orders which are always my favorite ones to make. People are ready for a new year and new intentions. I will post when new candles are being created. I have a long list of candles to tell everyone about.
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Wiped Clean
The best part is, I made this decision myself. I came to the edge and walked away for something better and more loving for myself.
So, this is going to be truly a year of new beginnings and everything that had been keeping me in the past is now gone.
Happy New Year!
The theme for this year is.....
Yep, I thought about it all day yesterday. I went through my 100 intention list for the year and thought about what the theme might be. 2007 was a very successful year for my company, but there were many hard lessons for me to learn. I am now at the point where I have learned my lessons and I am ready to move forward to new things.
I want to keep my company moving in the same direction it is now. However, I am ready to move to new area's with product development.
I am ready to move forward with relationships in my life and see what happens.
I am ready to move into a bigger space for my company ( I know already!).
I am ready to travel more and see new places.
I am ready to take better care of myself and truly love the life I live.
I am ready to get a hybrid car.
I am ready to settle into my new job and not worry for 1 year.
So many new things to try, to do and to be!
Plus, there is always the area's that I am not ready to share on my blog yet. Those will come in time.
What are your New Year's Intentions?