Monday, July 28, 2008

Once a week

I am now at the point of my back issues that I have to see my Doctor once a week. With my condition getting worse I am needing to change medications at least every week so that I can sleep. Without my medications as soon as I fall asleep I have some nightmare of falling off curbs or cliffs and wake up screaming. What is happening during these dreams is that I am having major muscle spasms that causes my leg to move. No Fun!

But, I am really coming to peace with the situation. I know I will be better soon and that this break has really allowed me to catch up and get everything in my life into a calm and positive state.

This weekend was my nephews 2nd birthday. I hope to have some pictures of it soon. My sister threw a lovely BBQ with close friends of the family that I had not seen in a long time. My nephew was so good with all the people and kids around. He loved it!

This week will be pretty slow but I am hoping to get into the studio at least for a few hours. I miss candle making so much. Plus I have a dinner party on Friday that I am really excited about. I wish I had more to say but things have been calm lately and I am just happy to not be in as much pain as I was a couple of weeks ago.

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