The theme for this year is LOVE!
I thought long and hard over the last few days about what is most important in my life for the next year. In the past I have focused on success, my company and friendships. And all of these area's are thriving beyond my expectations. The one area I must focus on is love in all it's forms. Self love for my health, love for my family and friends that have been so wonderful to me, love for that special someone in my life, love for my candles, my customers and love for my life.
In the last year I have been working hard on creating the best life I can, I was hit hard with my back injury but as the year comes to an end, I realized that I loved my life. I love my injury because it has taught me so much, it has helped me to slow down and really take care of myself. My injury has changed my direction and focus in life in a really good way. I love my candles and my company. I love that I can make products that truly have meaning for people, some I have not even met. I love that I am now in charge of my schedule and can take the time I need to work out everyday. I love that I have a team of professionals that I see on a regular basis who have helped me heal and thrive. I am so grateful to the new additions to my board of directors who are helping to move my company forward and into the next and much larger phase. I love my animals that have been with me for the last 8 years and truly love to spend time with me. Whatever room I am currently in, they all end up there wanting my attention. Or they just want to be close and feeling the positive energy. I love my changing body as it becomes smaller and stronger. I love my wonderful friends that make everyday a joy to be a part of.
Yesterday I spent the day with my good friend Jennifer while I taught her to make candles for her new book. She is calling me her Wax expert and professional candle maker. This title she gave me made me laugh! I never thought i would be an expert in any area. We spent the afternoon catching up, making candles and enjoying each others company. The best part was the two gold NEW YEARS FORTUNE candles I made. These are are like wish candles and are only made once a year. I took my candle to dinner with another friend and we made a wish at the table. Once I got home I lit the candle before midnight and it is still lit. I am going to keep it going until it is done so I can release all the love and gratitude I have towards the world and my life. It is glowing gold and my room smells magical.
This year is also about me opening up to love. I have had a very unusual life and love is something that has been hard for me. Moving around so much I could not get attached or I would end up missing that thing horribly when I moved again. So while I understand the idea not to become attached to material objects, attachments to people have been hard. But I am now opening up to love in all it's forms. This summer would have been so much worse if I had not been so down that I realized the only way to survive was to open up and let people love me. I am continuing this quest as my life becomes richer with meaning and more beautiful. One way that love has changed my life is that I can now allow people to just be themselves in whatever phase they are in. No more judgment or fear, I can stand strong next to someone and hold space for them to be whomever they are. This has been a lesson that I am completely grateful for, I don't want to have to change for someone and I want them to feel the same way around me. This has allowed for deep connections and meaningful experiences.
So I hope that everyone has thought about their personal theme for the year! 2009 is going to be so much better than 2008. I hope everyone has a great year.
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