Many, many years ago I put up a poster that I thought was beautiful. Actually it was the poster above. I was a teenager and emotions were everywhere. I had this poster on my wall until today. Today I realized what a sad and depressing poster this truly is. Men and boys do cry and that's OK with me. I think it is important for men to feel emotions. Plus, here is a poster of a man with his back towards the camera that is alone. This are all feelings and statements that I no longer share with this poster. I do not want my back to be towards the world nor do I want to be alone. I want to live in a much warmer and more welcoming world that this poster represents.
So today I took down the poster. I am going to start looking for photographs to replace it. My family has been posting wonderful pictures of all our reunions on facebook so maybe I will print some of those out and place them on my walls. I have also been journeying into treasure maps so I will post some of those on my walls again. Change is in the air and I am excited to start releasing the past and living in the moment.
This present moment is no longer about standing with my back to the world and people. It is about opening my arms and welcoming in love and peace.
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