Whatever has changed in my life I wish it to keep on changing! Miracles are all around me and it is wonderful to be a part of them.
I had an amazing week last week. I am really enjoying my new job and have been approaching this job with a new way of thinking. I am coming in everyday in a state of abundance. I know a lot of people are trying to up each other to show off in the office and they tend to live in a constant state of fear about working or the lack of jobs. I am coming in everyday knowing that I work hard, that I play fair and that the universe will provide. This has been a great change for me and I can see how it has made my once nervous coworkers more at ease and more open to doing things in a group setting. We all have our strengths and need to work as a team. To have my coworkers more at ease makes our work environment a great place to come in everyday and have fun. I am feeling very confident in this new position and situation.
I did have a very exciting dinner with my business mentor the other day. She might have a chance to build a super star team for a new position and asked if I would be interested in joining her. I was so flattered and excited about this. I don't know what will happen but to have someone think of me in this way made my night. Especially since I met this woman at a very dark time in my life but worked very hard to prove myself as a colleague and equal. I look forward to seeing where fate and life take me!
My eating this week has been off. I am not stressed or upset. Actually I am the happiest I have been in a long time. When I actually think back on my eating over the last week it is not that bad. I might have had what I consider a bad lunch but then I will skip dinner or just make it a vegetable for dinner. Or I wake up craving vegetables for breakfast and steam some up. I think it was more the lack of thought that makes me upset. I was on auto pilot this weekend, celebrating life and I did not get my run in during the evenings. I just sort of slacked and by Monday I felt physically bad. I felt and looked bloated. But I have been kind on myself. I keep reminding myself that it is small steps that will lead to long term changes in life. So I had a relaxing weekend in which I did not worry about things but I now see how important it is to not live on autopilot. I need to give my attention to every part of life on a daily basis. Maybe over time as I created new healthier habits I can live on auto pilot but I would rather not.
Monday night as soon as I got home I immediately put my workout clothes on and went out for a run before I could even make an excuse. I actually had a very successful work out and I felt a lot better.
I keep learning lessons that will one day become second nature. Sugarary things like Cake make my stomach upset. Red meat is only good for me once a month. I need to increase my vegetables while staying away from bread. I can have small little treats but anything close to a normal serving is not good for me.
And I need to work out everyday.
Last night I went to a raw restaurant and tried Kelp Noodles. They are a lot like glass noodles from any Asian restaurant. Except kelp noodles are kind of crunchy sounding when you eat them. It was a wonderful mean of noodles, veggies and a ginger sauce. I left full and happy. I could see using the noodles in place of pasta for most things. It was nice to open myself up to trying new foods. Before I went out to eat, I went for my nightly run. It has been hard to enjoy it the last few nights because I slacked so much but I will keep it up. At some point it will get easier...... I hope
Keep it up, Em. I'm going through the same thing. It's like a second job taking care of myself --making sure I eat well, on time, three times a day and trying to get some exercise in. It's so exhausting! Baby steps :) and, like you, when I don't take care of myself I definitely feel a negative difference--meaning our hard work is worth it and paying off!! Cheers to us :) So happy you are doing well in your job!
Haha well I was just thinking to myself I probably should also say it gets easier over time. It's about phasing in very small healthy changes and not overwhelming yourself. I'm trying to learn one new recipe each week....and building up easy fall back meals for when I'm too tired or lazy. The exercise is sometimes harder and I totally get it when you said you just dropped everything when you got home and did it! Once the bra comes off there is little hope for me :) so at work, since I am on the 9th floor, I make myself walk up the stairs so I get at least that little bit...
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