Friday, February 03, 2006

New Friendships

Yesterday I met Ariel Meadow Stallings. I have to admit that I think she rules.

Having lunch with her yesterday made me realize how amazing Blogging and Bloggers are. I remember when I had my first blog in 2000, most of my friends at the time thought I was a little nutty for writing online. But now over half of those people have blogs. However, I am not sure they would hangout with or call themselves bloggers. But you know what, Bloggers are cool!

So I am now going to beef up my links section to include bloggers I like. I am also going to write more on my blog since I have been a little quiet lately.



Ariel said...

Psst: It's Ariel Meadow Stallings. ;)

...great to meet you too! I'm excited to see what plans we can scheme up.

Emily said...

Oh crap. You totally busted my Dyslexia in progress!

Ok, I fixed it. I promise never to do that again........