Wednesday, April 11, 2007

I had the best time last weekend!

I went to San Fran for the weekend. It was a combination of work and pleasure, but mostly pleasure. This was a college reunion for a group of my best friends and a chance for me to catch up with some design folks I admire. Every time my college friends get together, we laugh, cook amazing meals, talk, play games, enjoy each other's company and there are always hugs!

I was able to stop by one of my favorite design studios, Neutron and pick up a copy of their amazing new book on trends and design called Zag. I met Neutron a few years ago while helping to set up the Brand Gap conference in Portland.
Another amazing person I saw was Jody Turner. She is my hero and mentor in so many ways. Jody Turner is a trend expert, a business woman and a compassionate future leader. If you have not heard Jody speak or check out her website, I highly recommend her work. She will give you hope for our future generations.

This next month is going to be a busy one for me. I have the Thread show coming up in less than two weeks. I have the Rainier Club slumber party. I just donated some candles to the DIFFA ( Design Industries Foundation Fighting Aids) for their upcoming event, Glam2. And I have the in home fund raiser in May.

Another wonderful person I met with was Vera in San Fran. We had a really interesting discussion about energy. Our discussion helped me to realize how all the work I have done over the last few years to rid myself of old pain has worked. I can go through the day without one negative thought about myself. It is such a wonderful feeling to realize when you are in the perfect energy space. I am able to release desires and trust that the universe will provide.

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