I am not sure if I have ever mentioned this on my blog, but I grew up moving from the East Coast to the West Coast every year of my life until middle school. For most people, they can not even imagine what this was like. Now, I am not sure I would recommend this type of childhood, it has made me able to feel like every place I am is home. Because I have been in the Northwest the last several years, I seem to forget how much the East Coast is a part of me. I had a wonderful home coming last month when I was there. I am really starting to understand and process part's of my life that just seemed "normal" to me, but that are truly unique.
The only problem with this split life, is that I always long for the Coast I am not on. My mother calls this White Line Fever. I always long to move to be near one Ocean or another. And lucky for me, I can still keep doing this in life. I have pretty much set up my life so that it is totally portable and fluid. And I am always present where I am at.
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