The excitement over the new job is now wearing off and my conference is all done. I have to admit, I am kind of bummed. I feel an emptiness of sorts. Like I went from a fast moving river to a bog.
I also feel the need to make some changes. Must be spring time!
So instead of moping around I think I will list some changes I would like to make in the next few months. This will help me to stop feeling so blue.
1. Start to exercise at least twice a week.
2. Make more candles.
3. Make more movies.
4. Clean my office at home.
5. Organize the new house.
6. Clean the yard.
7. Start to eat outside more.
8. Make new friends- Girlfriend are needed badly! - Please apply to my email.
9. Eat more raw food!--Thanks Vera.
10. Write more on my blog.
Ok, I am feeling better now. I think I can start some of things this weekend.
I had such an amazing week last week that I want to break down all the wonderful things and start to infuse my life with them.
In other more wonderful news... It is spring time in Seattle!
Bring on the long nights and the beautiful flowers!