Saturday, February 28, 2015

Worthy of

I have been thinking a lot about this question "is someone worthy of being in my life"  and I realized last night that it sounds like it is coming from a place of judgment.  But that's not my intention when I ask this question.  What I am trying to figure out about the other person is if we are on similar paths. 
I am not using worthy as an ego word but I am using it to acknowledge to myself about howI love my life right now and I want people in my life that will compliment this magical world and share in it with me.  Because I want to share everything about my life with those around me that I love.
And  in the past I have been known to share with people that are not very nice back. 

So when I ask myself this question, it's not because I think I am better than anyone.   And it's not because I look down on people.   I am asking this question to really think about if this person has the type of energy and love I want in my life right now.  Are they going to love me as much as I love them?  Are we going to support and grow together or get in each other's way.

It's strange because I have survived for so long on such little self worth/ego energy that often I forget this ego world exists.  But then I am reminded that there are people in this world that actually feel they are better than other people.  Ugh.  What a horrible way to live. 

How can I rephrase my question so that in my mind I am asking myself to think about people while doing it in a way that does not imply judgement to other people.  Something to ponder this weekend. 

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