Monday, April 20, 2015

Change is in the air

This whole learning to be successful and stand up for yourself lesson is powerful.  I have never been more uncomfortable in learning a lesson yet rewarded so greatly.    I had no idea that stepping into myself and believing in myself could feel so good.]

I moved jobs this week.  It was a swift and sudden move that was all my decision.  My last manager was the archetype of the personality that has been bullying me for years, especially in work and school situations.   In the last two years, I have finally had the confidence to say no more.  I made this most recent job change because I am done with these types of people. I no longer want to engage in this kind of relationship in my life.
I prayed for a new job and twice the universe delivered this opportunity.  I couldn't say no the second time and thus I made a quick move.  And now, damn!  I am happy.  
The universe rewarded me with a raise, a great department and a job where I can be successful.  

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