Sunday, April 19, 2015

New Moon

This weekend was a powerful new moon and I am still recovering from it!  The last few days have been all about self care and good friends.  

I spent Saturday with my good friend getting massage and sitting in the sun.  I just needed some quiet down time outside of the city.  I recently found an amazing massage therapist that works across the water from Seattle and is magical with her hands, her words and her energy.  My good friend G and I decided we are going to go see her every month as a much needed girls day.   We are both on a life changing mission and this journey begins with Self Care!

I recently just purchased a new computer that I am using right now to post this blog update!  I am so grateful to be able to just go out and buy a new computer without stressing or the worry that used to go along with purchases. I am going to be working on my website this week and my business plan.  This computer is one step closer to my dream company and a huge step for me.  Even thought lately there has been a lot of stress, my dream and my visions for the future feel so much closer than they ever have. I know this time next year I will be writing about how grateful I am to make my own schedule and how excited I am to take a much needed international vacation.  I know I will be traveling to see clients in NYC, LA,SF and Boston.  I know the magic that we will create together will be life changing for everyone involved.  And I will be making over twice my current salary doing something I am passionate about and that is my life's purpose.  That's the best part!

New moon, new beginnings, new energy.... I can feel it all!


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