What started as a simple meeting with the surgeon this morning has turned into something much bigger than I thought it would. It looks like I need a spinal fusion. This will have me take the next year off of pretty much everything while I recover. It is scary but I know it is something I have to get done so I will go in with the strength and determination to heal that I have to make my candle company the number 1 candle company in America. So maybe this rest will be a good thing??
I have nothing else to report since I am still in shock........
Monday, June 30, 2008
My Back
Today I am meeting with a back surgeon to talk about my up coming surgery. At times I feel nervous about this surgery then there are other times where I am at peace with it. I know in the long run this is the right decision and that everything will be fine but sometimes I can not fight the fear. I have had dreams about the surgery which has in some ways, helped calm my fears. In my dream I over hear the doctors talking about how easy the surgery went and how well I am doing post operation.
I am even starting to look forward to daily life where I am not in constant pain. Simple things like taking a walk or feeding my dog have become almost impossible. I long to take a long walk in the park and to pick up my nephew without any fear of hurting myself. Soon enough I will have my energy level back and be able to finish all those little projects that are still not finished due to my back.
Send good energy my way and I will keep everyone updated on the situation.
I am even starting to look forward to daily life where I am not in constant pain. Simple things like taking a walk or feeding my dog have become almost impossible. I long to take a long walk in the park and to pick up my nephew without any fear of hurting myself. Soon enough I will have my energy level back and be able to finish all those little projects that are still not finished due to my back.
Send good energy my way and I will keep everyone updated on the situation.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Today I Eat My Words
This week has produced two new candles. Both candles have stories around the creation of these new candles that I will share with everyone.
First story is about the new Happy Divorce candle. While delivering candles to Glassy Baby, I over heard a customer talking about how excited she was for her up coming vacation. She is going to the East Coast to visit one of her best friends who had just served her husband with divorce papers. This lady was so full of joy as she talked about how much she loved her friend and what a great move this is going to be in her friends life. There was no sadness around this divorce but a feeling of freedom and love for her friend and the situation. Her friend was ready to start living an authentic life full of self love and discovery. It was a great story and inspired me to make this candle. Good Luck!
The other candle I made this week is a giant I Am Sorry candle. This week I spent some time with a dear friend who has a high profile job in Seattle. We have known each other since middle school and as much as I love this person, I still have trouble seeing him for who he is now. A Seattle celebrity. So while we were having dinner the other night, I told him to get over his high profile paranoia and just enjoy life. I understood his point that he had to have a public and private life, but I just never thought he was that big of a star in this small city full of famous music and TV stars. However, last night I went to a party at a famous bands house that provided a situation where I learned a valuable lesson. This band tours the world, has very high selling albums and has been interviewed for all major papers, TV shows etc.... But at the party, everyone was asking me about my other friend. How did I know him, why was he not at the party, could I tell him about how all these people love him? This was a total shock to me and I am now eating my words about what I said to him earlier in the week. He does have a public life and I need to realize and respect this. My friend is still the person I loved in my youth and now I can start to see him through my grownup eyes. He is a gem and deserves all his success and I am very sorry I did not believe him.
It is hot today so I am hiding inside. I already got burned for the season and I have to say, I think the pasty white look is wonderful. Let's hear it for being inside and not getting skin cancer!
First story is about the new Happy Divorce candle. While delivering candles to Glassy Baby, I over heard a customer talking about how excited she was for her up coming vacation. She is going to the East Coast to visit one of her best friends who had just served her husband with divorce papers. This lady was so full of joy as she talked about how much she loved her friend and what a great move this is going to be in her friends life. There was no sadness around this divorce but a feeling of freedom and love for her friend and the situation. Her friend was ready to start living an authentic life full of self love and discovery. It was a great story and inspired me to make this candle. Good Luck!
The other candle I made this week is a giant I Am Sorry candle. This week I spent some time with a dear friend who has a high profile job in Seattle. We have known each other since middle school and as much as I love this person, I still have trouble seeing him for who he is now. A Seattle celebrity. So while we were having dinner the other night, I told him to get over his high profile paranoia and just enjoy life. I understood his point that he had to have a public and private life, but I just never thought he was that big of a star in this small city full of famous music and TV stars. However, last night I went to a party at a famous bands house that provided a situation where I learned a valuable lesson. This band tours the world, has very high selling albums and has been interviewed for all major papers, TV shows etc.... But at the party, everyone was asking me about my other friend. How did I know him, why was he not at the party, could I tell him about how all these people love him? This was a total shock to me and I am now eating my words about what I said to him earlier in the week. He does have a public life and I need to realize and respect this. My friend is still the person I loved in my youth and now I can start to see him through my grownup eyes. He is a gem and deserves all his success and I am very sorry I did not believe him.
It is hot today so I am hiding inside. I already got burned for the season and I have to say, I think the pasty white look is wonderful. Let's hear it for being inside and not getting skin cancer!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Summer Reading

Every summer I manage to find a gem of a book that takes me through the summer with a warm and enchanted heart. Last summer it was Good Things by Mia King. This year I found an unbelievable wonderful little good that I read in one day. Nancy Pearl our wonderful superstar Liberian in Seattle turned me onto this book and whenever I see her next I will rush up to thank her. The book is called Garden Spells by Sarah Addison Allen. It is a wonderful sister story much like Alice Hoffmans' Practical Magic book which is a good thing in my view. Both stories combine old herbal lore with Wise Women advice and strength. Garden Spells took place in North Carolina which moved me because that is where my family has our reunion with all 100 members of the family. I feel close to the Earth in North Carolina and love to get lost on the back roads. For a while now I have been dreaming of North Carolina and moving there. It is also home to one of my favorite candle making supply stores. So maybe North Carolina is in my future?
The author of Garden Spells has a new novel that just came out and I can not wait to read it. Garden Spells was about a caterer, the new novel she wrote is about a woman that makes chocolate, my book would be about a candle maker that helps people bring magic into their lives via my candles. I feel a close connection to these stories. Sometimes there are people in this world that have gifts which are accessed through their talents in life. I do not know how better to explain it than with this thought.... Read these books!
We are about to have a heat wave in Seattle and so I will be taking a few days off from making candles. Tomorrow I have a busy social day and Sunday I will clean my studio, room and car.
I go to the surgeon's on Monday and will find out when I will go in for surgery. Hopefully sooner than later. I want my energy back! Chronic pain is hard to live with but I am so lucky to have wonderful friends and family that have helped me prepare for the surgery and all the things I need to get done before I go into the hospital.
Lastly, I have been able to see my wonderful nephew this week a couple of times and I am always in awe of how much he has grown up. He loves to talk and all the kids that live on his block now come over and play with him. He is a truly magical being and life is just not as fun without him.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Favorite day of the year
Tomorrow is one of my favorite days of the year. It is the summer solstice. A day to spend outside enjoying nature. I will be in Discovery Park at this time tomorrow night. Sitting with Ahmi and thinking about what my next steps are in life.
Starting tomorrow I will be building up my candle stock in preparation for back surgery and the start of the Christmas Season. Last night I had a dream that a very good and loving friend of mine who is also a spiritual mentor, was preforming my back surgery. It was a quick surgery and I felt relieved once it was over. This dream has helped me to feel totally comfortable with what the next step in my journey is.
I have been cleaning out some excess inventory and giving little gifts to all the wonderful people that have and supported Odessa's Herbals over this last year. It has been great to give away these candles with love and excitement for the new season arriving soon.
My nephew is growing everyday and making life seem more and more magical every time I see him. He is starting to communicate in sentences and share his feelings. I can see parts of my sister, my brother in law and even parts of other family members in him. He looks like my cousin David right now. He is so sweet and loves to be around people, sharing his favorite things. I took him Blueberries and Cherries the other day along with Bubbly water and a pickle. He got so excited and ran around and let his mother know how happy he was. It was wonderful to see the simple things in life making such a pleasurable experience.
Starting tomorrow I will be building up my candle stock in preparation for back surgery and the start of the Christmas Season. Last night I had a dream that a very good and loving friend of mine who is also a spiritual mentor, was preforming my back surgery. It was a quick surgery and I felt relieved once it was over. This dream has helped me to feel totally comfortable with what the next step in my journey is.
I have been cleaning out some excess inventory and giving little gifts to all the wonderful people that have and supported Odessa's Herbals over this last year. It has been great to give away these candles with love and excitement for the new season arriving soon.
My nephew is growing everyday and making life seem more and more magical every time I see him. He is starting to communicate in sentences and share his feelings. I can see parts of my sister, my brother in law and even parts of other family members in him. He looks like my cousin David right now. He is so sweet and loves to be around people, sharing his favorite things. I took him Blueberries and Cherries the other day along with Bubbly water and a pickle. He got so excited and ran around and let his mother know how happy he was. It was wonderful to see the simple things in life making such a pleasurable experience.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Why I will only use sea salts in my bath
I just read this article from Slate on why products that use small plastic beads to exfoliate your skin are killing the Ocean.
Yuck! Just another reason to switch to all natural products and not be fooled by advertising. You can remove dead skin naturally and often it is best not use such harsh products on your face.
I went to Seattle Metropolitan magazine today to share the Odessa's Herbals story and drop off some candles. It was a lovely office and made me want to get a job for the magazine. I hear it is a great place to work.
Just yesterday the new Ray and Charles Eames stamp came out. I can not wait to pick up some for my treasure chest. The Eames are two of my favorite product designers and movie makers. In college I used to play all their short films for my friends when they came to visit. My roommate at the time hated the movies so much he would flee the house every time I watched one. But I loved these movies. Only truly nerdy designers and movie makers would love these movies.
Ok, so suddenly summer has hit Seattle and as much as I kind of like it, I got a terrible sunburn on Sunday. I took my father out to Greenlake for a walk and half way around we stopped for lunch. I am now pink all over. I am looking forward to the Fall!
Yuck! Just another reason to switch to all natural products and not be fooled by advertising. You can remove dead skin naturally and often it is best not use such harsh products on your face.
I went to Seattle Metropolitan magazine today to share the Odessa's Herbals story and drop off some candles. It was a lovely office and made me want to get a job for the magazine. I hear it is a great place to work.
Just yesterday the new Ray and Charles Eames stamp came out. I can not wait to pick up some for my treasure chest. The Eames are two of my favorite product designers and movie makers. In college I used to play all their short films for my friends when they came to visit. My roommate at the time hated the movies so much he would flee the house every time I watched one. But I loved these movies. Only truly nerdy designers and movie makers would love these movies.
Ok, so suddenly summer has hit Seattle and as much as I kind of like it, I got a terrible sunburn on Sunday. I took my father out to Greenlake for a walk and half way around we stopped for lunch. I am now pink all over. I am looking forward to the Fall!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Back from the Rest
One good thing about the conference yesterday was that I am now energized to make all those phone calls I have been meaning to make, send those emails I have been meaning to send and get all those little things together I have been ignoring because I was losing steam or just not giving those items attention.
I am hitting the pavement and taking applications of retail outlets that would like to carry my candles. This is an exclusive list of companies and people, I want to ensure that the quality of my candles is not hurt at all by my growth as a company. It is a delicate balance between wanting to get my candles out for everyone an wanting to keep my candles at the same level of attention and highest quality ingredients. No matter what I will not compromise my candles or my intentions for my company.
I am also growing my list of board members and mentors that can help guide me to the next level. I have so many wonderful people to thank and I look forward to the day when I can pass along their contact information to everyone!
Today is finally a beautiful day in Seattle. I am enjoying the sunshine while resting my back and checking in with people I have not talked too in a while. I feel very productive today. Which is a good thing.
I might even start to revamp my website soon? This is one of those things I have been meaning to do and finally have the energy and time to do it.
One final note, Glassy Baby came out with a new drinking cup and it is beautiful! I would suggest everyone stop by their shops and check it out, or go to the website. They are amazing and I can not wait for the day when I can bring home my first Glassy Baby "drinker". While your there, feel free to tell them how much you love the Tea Lights.
I was told by the manager today that they now have customers who just come in to buy Tea Lights and nothing else. This warms my heart as I make each candle by hand in my studio and love every moment of it. I have had people ask me if I am sick of candle making yet, as I move into my second month of full time candle making. I always respond with a huge NO! I love candle making even more now than before. I love every part of the process from beginning to end. I could not dream of a better thing to do with my time and energy. I hope this love energy radiates from each tea light as you light them in your favorite glassy baby! There is a person on the other end of that tea light that loves making the high quality product and sends a huge kiss your way for helping her to realize her dreams of owning and running a high quality company with integrity and sound products for the present and future of our planet! ( Wow, that was a mouthful!).
I am hitting the pavement and taking applications of retail outlets that would like to carry my candles. This is an exclusive list of companies and people, I want to ensure that the quality of my candles is not hurt at all by my growth as a company. It is a delicate balance between wanting to get my candles out for everyone an wanting to keep my candles at the same level of attention and highest quality ingredients. No matter what I will not compromise my candles or my intentions for my company.
I am also growing my list of board members and mentors that can help guide me to the next level. I have so many wonderful people to thank and I look forward to the day when I can pass along their contact information to everyone!
Today is finally a beautiful day in Seattle. I am enjoying the sunshine while resting my back and checking in with people I have not talked too in a while. I feel very productive today. Which is a good thing.
I might even start to revamp my website soon? This is one of those things I have been meaning to do and finally have the energy and time to do it.
One final note, Glassy Baby came out with a new drinking cup and it is beautiful! I would suggest everyone stop by their shops and check it out, or go to the website. They are amazing and I can not wait for the day when I can bring home my first Glassy Baby "drinker". While your there, feel free to tell them how much you love the Tea Lights.
I was told by the manager today that they now have customers who just come in to buy Tea Lights and nothing else. This warms my heart as I make each candle by hand in my studio and love every moment of it. I have had people ask me if I am sick of candle making yet, as I move into my second month of full time candle making. I always respond with a huge NO! I love candle making even more now than before. I love every part of the process from beginning to end. I could not dream of a better thing to do with my time and energy. I hope this love energy radiates from each tea light as you light them in your favorite glassy baby! There is a person on the other end of that tea light that loves making the high quality product and sends a huge kiss your way for helping her to realize her dreams of owning and running a high quality company with integrity and sound products for the present and future of our planet! ( Wow, that was a mouthful!).
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Women in Business
Today I spent the day at a women in business conference in Seattle. It was organized by the group Count Me In. It was an interesting affair. I actually ended up knowing the local judges and some of the presenters. I went in search of brain storming the next phase of my company. I am at a bit of a tipping point for my company, ready to move to the next while maintaining my core beliefs for my company.
This conference has energized me to reach for the stars. I highly recommend this event in the future for all women that want to start or already own a company. It will affirm what you are already feeling, the passion to pave your way.
Tonight included a lovely walk in Discovery Park with my dog. Questions roamed in my head about life and where I am in my life. As someone that started a company with no business experience, I sometimes wonder what I am doing. What kind of idea is it to start a company, why would I want to do this, etc...... I question myself a lot. But I also take time to step back and reflect on how far I have come and how happy it makes me to be able to tell someone that I am building a company with high morals that help other's to live the authentic life that they desire.
Enough rambling.... I am off to bed. Another busy day tomorrow which includes a delivery to glassy baby and hopefully coffee with Jennifer Worick.
This conference has energized me to reach for the stars. I highly recommend this event in the future for all women that want to start or already own a company. It will affirm what you are already feeling, the passion to pave your way.
Tonight included a lovely walk in Discovery Park with my dog. Questions roamed in my head about life and where I am in my life. As someone that started a company with no business experience, I sometimes wonder what I am doing. What kind of idea is it to start a company, why would I want to do this, etc...... I question myself a lot. But I also take time to step back and reflect on how far I have come and how happy it makes me to be able to tell someone that I am building a company with high morals that help other's to live the authentic life that they desire.
Enough rambling.... I am off to bed. Another busy day tomorrow which includes a delivery to glassy baby and hopefully coffee with Jennifer Worick.
I am the sum of all my parts
Recently I have been taking personal inventory of the changes that have occurred in the last year. What an amazing journey it has been, some good and some hard but overall I have to say this is one of my most successful years yet.
The hard part's of this year have revolved around my health. I will be having major surgery in the next month or so due to my bad back. I have had this problem since I was a teenager and must be very careful with my back. No more ski trips for me! I knew the day would come when I needed the surgery again, I just wish it could have happened at a different time. But in many ways this is the perfect time for me to take a break and heal my back. So I will follow the time line that the Universe has provided for me.
In the positive area's of my life, I am now making candles full time. I may return to some contract work in the future but for now, I am a full time employee for myself. I have grown my company far past my dreams of what it might become and turned all these dreams into reality. I spend much of my mental time in the present and rarely reflect on what I am doing, but when I do look back over what I have built in the last year, I smile! All of my intentions have come true and I am helping other's. What more could a person want out of life? Helping other's while creating a life I am proud of. Good friends, a wonderful city, the chance to travel, being able to meet and create products for people I come to know and adore all while building a woman owned company!
Today I will be at a woman in business conference that the Governor will be speaking at. It is time for me to start thinking about taking my company to the next level. A larger space, employee's, maybe some retail sales, revamping my studio space to host candle gatherings and traveling more. So hopefully this conference will be a great networking opportunity while I learn how to take my company to the next level. I will keep everyone posted.
One last shout out. My wonderful friend Rob has a short film in the Seattle Film Festival this year. The premiere will be this week in Seattle. I am so proud and excited for Rob. He is an inspiration to me and a hero of mine. One day we will all be watching his films in theater's across the world.
The hard part's of this year have revolved around my health. I will be having major surgery in the next month or so due to my bad back. I have had this problem since I was a teenager and must be very careful with my back. No more ski trips for me! I knew the day would come when I needed the surgery again, I just wish it could have happened at a different time. But in many ways this is the perfect time for me to take a break and heal my back. So I will follow the time line that the Universe has provided for me.
In the positive area's of my life, I am now making candles full time. I may return to some contract work in the future but for now, I am a full time employee for myself. I have grown my company far past my dreams of what it might become and turned all these dreams into reality. I spend much of my mental time in the present and rarely reflect on what I am doing, but when I do look back over what I have built in the last year, I smile! All of my intentions have come true and I am helping other's. What more could a person want out of life? Helping other's while creating a life I am proud of. Good friends, a wonderful city, the chance to travel, being able to meet and create products for people I come to know and adore all while building a woman owned company!
Today I will be at a woman in business conference that the Governor will be speaking at. It is time for me to start thinking about taking my company to the next level. A larger space, employee's, maybe some retail sales, revamping my studio space to host candle gatherings and traveling more. So hopefully this conference will be a great networking opportunity while I learn how to take my company to the next level. I will keep everyone posted.
One last shout out. My wonderful friend Rob has a short film in the Seattle Film Festival this year. The premiere will be this week in Seattle. I am so proud and excited for Rob. He is an inspiration to me and a hero of mine. One day we will all be watching his films in theater's across the world.
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Once Again
Once again my body has told me to slow down. I have been having some back issues for the last six months and now it is changing my routine. So I finally got an MRI yesterday and I should know more on Monday. I have always had a bad back and required surgery at 16. I am afraid that once again I will require surgery in the next few weeks. I am working hard against this option but it maybe the best option. So please keep me in your thoughts and hearts!
In other news, I have been working hard on the Glassy Baby candles since they are the number 1 seller at Glassy Baby. I am also deep in product development for some other projects which I will be talking about soon.
In other news, I have been working hard on the Glassy Baby candles since they are the number 1 seller at Glassy Baby. I am also deep in product development for some other projects which I will be talking about soon.
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Pouring Rain
It is raining in Seattle. Actually, pouring showers is more like it. Perfect candle making weather. It has been busy around these parts!
My candles are now a top selling item at Glassy Baby! This warms my heart just thinking about all the people all over lighting my candles. Actually, a few weeks ago I was delivering candles to Glassy Baby when I ran into an old friend that I met in Scotland in 2002. We had not seen each other for years and she was amazed to find out that the candles she had been buying for months now were being made by her good friend. We had lunch this week and I am just so happy to be back in touch with her.
My nephew is on the east coast and life is not as much fun without him! I can't wait for his return this weekend.
My candles are now a top selling item at Glassy Baby! This warms my heart just thinking about all the people all over lighting my candles. Actually, a few weeks ago I was delivering candles to Glassy Baby when I ran into an old friend that I met in Scotland in 2002. We had not seen each other for years and she was amazed to find out that the candles she had been buying for months now were being made by her good friend. We had lunch this week and I am just so happy to be back in touch with her.
My nephew is on the east coast and life is not as much fun without him! I can't wait for his return this weekend.
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