Sunday, June 29, 2008

Today I Eat My Words

This week has produced two new candles. Both candles have stories around the creation of these new candles that I will share with everyone.

First story is about the new Happy Divorce candle. While delivering candles to Glassy Baby, I over heard a customer talking about how excited she was for her up coming vacation. She is going to the East Coast to visit one of her best friends who had just served her husband with divorce papers. This lady was so full of joy as she talked about how much she loved her friend and what a great move this is going to be in her friends life. There was no sadness around this divorce but a feeling of freedom and love for her friend and the situation. Her friend was ready to start living an authentic life full of self love and discovery. It was a great story and inspired me to make this candle. Good Luck!

The other candle I made this week is a giant I Am Sorry candle. This week I spent some time with a dear friend who has a high profile job in Seattle. We have known each other since middle school and as much as I love this person, I still have trouble seeing him for who he is now. A Seattle celebrity. So while we were having dinner the other night, I told him to get over his high profile paranoia and just enjoy life. I understood his point that he had to have a public and private life, but I just never thought he was that big of a star in this small city full of famous music and TV stars. However, last night I went to a party at a famous bands house that provided a situation where I learned a valuable lesson. This band tours the world, has very high selling albums and has been interviewed for all major papers, TV shows etc.... But at the party, everyone was asking me about my other friend. How did I know him, why was he not at the party, could I tell him about how all these people love him? This was a total shock to me and I am now eating my words about what I said to him earlier in the week. He does have a public life and I need to realize and respect this. My friend is still the person I loved in my youth and now I can start to see him through my grownup eyes. He is a gem and deserves all his success and I am very sorry I did not believe him.

It is hot today so I am hiding inside. I already got burned for the season and I have to say, I think the pasty white look is wonderful. Let's hear it for being inside and not getting skin cancer!

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