Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Loving so much this morning

It is sunny here in the Northwest and I can feel Summer starting to come slowly to this part of the day. I love Fall when the leaves start to drop and the evenings get dark and cozy but there is something even more magical about the Spring. We are up to 12 hours of day light now with many more to go. The Mountains all around me are clear and snow covered. I love how soft the light is on my drive to work and how when I jog at night now I am not in total darkness. I have been out three nights in a row jogging! I am feeling so much better! I have even finally stopped coughing. So now I have no excuse not to run. I even downloaded an app to help me keep track of steps and distance for my run. This will help me to increase both my time and distance as I now take steps to push me further ahead. This morning as I settle into my desk and check all my blogs that I love to read in the morning, I am starting to see a common theme. Self love for your body! What a great message this morning. I have such a complicated relationship with my body but a deep love for it. I think even after being sick for so long and even with the knowledge of my spine condition, I love my body even more because it is bouncing back so well. My body almost has a mind of it's own. Even when my mind wanted to throw in the towel and give up because I was in so much pain my body refused. And now my body is loving the exercising so much it is rewarding me with easy weight loss and strength. I am starting to tone up all over my body and I can even eat whatever I want now. No more are the days of stomach issues or easy weight gain. Now I am hard pressed to not lose weight or feel ill. My body is rewarding me in so many ways because it is in love with what is changing on the inside and outside. Of course I am rewarding my body with RAW foods, small portions and lots of water. I am rewarding it with wonderful cashmere and cotton. I am rewarding it by showing off instead of hiding. And most of all I am rewarding my whole self with LOVE! Tonight will be day 4 of jogging and 18 days closers to getting in the habit of jogging every night! I will get there.

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