Tuesday, October 31, 2006

With a loss comes a lesson

With my best friend gone, I now realize how important it is to let everyone and anyone in your life know they are important and you love them.

What I miss most about my best friend are things that I did not even realize I would miss. Like having someone to call right when I get out of work and wanted to laugh, or when I was feeling blue I knew he would be there or having someone I could spend a whole day talking about nothing with and feel so good..

Today I wore all green. I am deep into my heart Charka right now. I am trying to balance my heart and get through this hard time.

I know I will see and talk with Shaun in my dreams. I know he will always be with me. I just wish he could have stayed around longer, I wanted to grow older with him and always have someone I could make laugh.

Shaun also taught me about unconditional love. I never saw him mad. He always accepted people for who they were and never spoke a bad word about anyone. He had such a big heart and an old soul.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Rest in Peace

Today my best friend died.

Rest in Peace Shawn Taylor.

I will always love you and miss you more than could know.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

15 hours a week of free time

With my new job, I now have 15 hours a week of free time. No more 55 hour weeks for me!!!!

Isn't that strange? That I could look at a week in terms of hours of free time? I never thought that would be me. I am a hard worker but I do have my limits and 55 hour weeks in a job where I am not happy is a huge limit for me.

So this weekend I relaxed, clean my garden, went for a midnight drive to the top of a mountain and watched shooting stars and then had breakfast with a group of friends.

But more importantly, I am learning to enjoy myself again and not be stressed out all the time.
It is so easy to get catch up in the stress of corporate life and to forget that we are on this earth to take care of it and enjoy it.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

What a difference!

I just got back from my first day on the new job.

Whoa nelly!

Compared to my last job, this new job is like a field of sunflowers.

I can't believe how different the company culture is. Where at one company you were suggest to not talk with your co-workers at this company collaboration is all the rage.
This new company actually brings in expert speakers to talk with the work force about change and how best to handle it.

I do hope I make a good impression. I really enjoy the new place.

Except, now I am downtown and close to the shopping area so I must not get tempted!!!!
Actually, it will be fine. Now that I have less stress and I am in a much more positive company, I am just feeling so blessed.

Winter has come upon us very quickly and I am feeling like just jumping in some cozy clothes and sitting infront of a fire. I also want to eat spicy foods and drink warm apple cider.
I love the fall.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Today is a day of forgiveness

While I was taking an aromatherpy bath this morning and letting my mind wander, I realized that I was forgiving people from my past who had hurt me. Not only was I forgiving them, but I was also sending them love and prayers for a healthy and happy life.

I felt a burst of love and positive energy in my body because I realized that I had just let go of a lot of pain and suffering I was causing myself. I forgive those people for the wrongs that they did in our relationship and how they reacted to them. I do not take the blame but I realized from my end of the situation, I was ready to forgive, forget and stop any negative emotion I might feel about them.

This will help me release a lot of old baggage and prepare for more loving people to come into my life.

So my theme for today is forgiveness and peace and purification. I feel more pure now then I have in a really long time. I am letting go of things that I had no idea I still was keeping bottled up inside of me.

Also, one of the best parts of forgiveness is the confidence that comes afterwards. I am that much better of a person for accepting the pain I had caused to someone and forgiving them for hurting me.

The love of my life right now

This is my nephew Dylly bean and I think he is the greatest. I love this little guy so much.
I will really miss spending so much time with him since I start work again but at least now I will be a little closer to him on a daily basis. And his mother (my sister) is my best friend in the whole world!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Amazing bloggers


Today I feel like I hit the jackpot. I found two amazing and inspiring blogs that made me very excited and feel all warm and googly inside.

These are women who are actively being positive and wanting to share their journey with the world.

Be Alive Believe Be You

The Silent K

I hope to join their book club so I am dusting off my copy of True Balance and going to reread it right now!

Cleaning out the garden

As I was doing my fall cleaning in my garden, I realized that I have been blogging for a year now.


What a year it has been. I think this year I have truly grown and come into myself. I have started to open my psychic work to the public and I have become grounded and confident in myself.

I am at my Saturn returning and I have not only embraced it, I have turned it around to be a guiding light in my travels.

Happy 1st Birthday Odessas Herbals!!!!!!

Friday, October 20, 2006

Several HUGE Lessons


This last month has provided several huge lessons from the universe. I still feel like at times I need to pinch myself or remind myself of the quote from Sonia Chouquette " How good can you stand it?"

1. This last month I learned that I do not need to be a victim. This translate into the lesson of if you don't like a situation then just leave. For the last six months I had been very unhappy at my job. The department was a bad fit for me. The work was interesting and the people outside my department were really nice but my department was like the negative bat cave. I finally realized one night that I could leave. I did not have to stay and suffer. I could find another job and trust that the universe will provide.

Which brings me to lesson 2.

2. The universe will provide if you trust enough not to try and control anything. So basically, last month I left my job with nothing lined up. I was just so happy to leave the company I was at that I knew I had made the right decision. Every morning I woke up thanking the universe for the fact I did not have to return to work. I took a vacation, I stayed up late and woke up later. I relaxed and stopped thinking about work. I did a little ceremony and let go of all work related objects I had. I never questioned the universe but truly followed my intuition and gut about getting out of the work situation and allowing something better to come along.

Something better comes along....Lesson 3......

3. Yesterday I received an offer from a company to work in it's product development group. This is a dream job, department and company. How could it have been this simple. I start on Tuesday. I never once worried about finding new work. I did not once get down on myself or beat myself up over leaving the previous job. I did not take the last job personally. This whole time I remained completely positive and excited about myself, my future and my gifts. I did not allow fear based thinking to enter my mind. I just allowed everyday to happen and to see what gifts the universe brought to me.

New Moon tonight!

Tonight marks the new moon and I will be out in my garden, celebrating my much earned lessons and preparing intentions for the next phase of my job life. I really want to let the universe know that I give thanks to them. I also want to give back. Right now I am being called into providing service for others. I do not know what form this will take yet, but I am ready to give to others and the universe, for I no longer live in fear but in abundance!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Isle of Iona

Many years ago I lived on the Isle of Iona in Scotland.
This island is a very scared and powerful place to people of many religions. The history tells of a pagan religion here but Iona is also where Saint Columba landed after leaving Ireland. Along with living on Iona, Saint Columba also brought the books of Kells to Iona.

I visit Iona ever couple of years. It is great to see old friends and make new ones. I love this island with all my heart. That's why my dreams last night were amazing!
I was back on Iona. This dream felt so real. The sounds, the smells and the hugs I received from many of my friends in my dream makes me want to go back to Iona right now!

One of my intentions for the future is to live in Scotland. This country is so intense and magical! I know one day I will live in Scotland and live everything about it!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

This weekend

I am super excited for this weekend.

One of my hero's and she might even be my favorite person of all time is coming to Olympia.

The Dirt Girl from Wild Carrot Herbals ....Jody Berry is coming!

Jody will be at Radiance in Olympia on Saturday for an instore demo.

I can't even express to my readers how much my life has changed since meeting Jody. She has one of the biggest hearts and positive energy of anybody I have ever met. She is truly my hero, plus she is an amazing business owner and Gardner to boot!

If you ever get a chance to try or buy Wild Carrot Herbals products, please do! This is one company I endorse and support with all of my heart. Jody really does give back to her community and the earth.

Tomorrow I am going to visit the new school I want to attend. I will provide more details as they come but for now I can't wait.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Compass of the Soul

This morning I was looking through some old emails when I was drawn to a newsletter from Lynn A. Robinson. She is the author of Compass of the Soul and other books on energy, intuition and how to live a divine and authentic life. I own several of her books but had not read any of them until this morning.

The part of Lynn's newsletter that really stood out for me was a quote from Oprah Winfrey on how her key to success is her intuition.

"My business skills have come from being guided by my higher self or my intuition. I am who I am today because of... Intuition, my ability to feel what is right for me and allowing that to be the strongest guide in my life. Intuition is akin to God.
It is akin to being led by that which is greater than yourself. My intuition, my intention and my passion have allowed me to be who I am and will take me to higher ground..."

When I was reading this quote, I was also thinking about the fact that I have a major decision to make right now. My intuition is tell me to go for it but my rational mind and my fear are telling me to just go out and get a "real" job. I was calling the new school to make an appoitment when I stumbled onto this quote.

I have to say, I do admire Oprah for living an authentic life and for her service in helping woman all over the world do the same.

I know that this new life path I want to take will allow me access to helping people and become more of a teacher than a student. This is a scary transition but one I am ready to take. I also have to thank the universe for the last few years of what at the time seemed like darkness but was truly just a time of learning who I really am. Reflecting back on the last five years of my life it all makes sense, the loss of jobs, the loss of friends, the pain of growing into my own identity and the loss of important relationships that were holding me back. I really believe that we are all being guided by the divine and everyone high and low point in our lives are just lessons waiting to be discovered and cared for.

So for this next few months I have two intentions I will be focusing on.

1. I intend to create a larger community for friendship, growth, support and celebration.

2. I intend to follow my intuition and signs from the universe instead of making fear based decisions to please other people.

I also signed up for 4 evening classes this month in Olympia on Aromatherapy and gardening by astrology. This is a very big step for me and one that was in response to my intentions. I will keep the blog updated on other actions I take to help foster my intentions.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

A clean office

Last January I moved into my wonderful new house.
I love everything about this house except for my office. I never unpacked I think out of fear and then I started working my 55 an hour a week job and I had no energy to unpack.

Meanwhile, my office got to the point where I could not even walk into it. Every other room was in great shape and the summer was wonderful. Yet my office which has windows on every wall was sitting there messy and empty.

But today I decided I was ready to unpack, clean and let go of all items that are not in line with my energy. I am now thinking I need a rug for my office and a little heater and maybe.... A comfy chair!

This room will become my office and my creation room.

I guess I have fall cleaning. I am ready to let go of almost everything I have in my house that is out of alignment with who I am and who I want to become. Look out salvation army... I will b donating as much as I can!


As I have talked about before, I am paying more attention to my dreams. This started right before I left my job when I woke up with a pretty strong message on what to do next in my life. (More to come on this in the next two weeks)
It has become a strong theme when right before I left my job I started to work on Julia Cameron's book Vein of Gold.

Every morning I write my three morning pages which is Julia's first lesson. Each morning my pages fill up on themes, images and signs from my dreams. This has been very interesting for me to jump head first into my subconscious and watch myself work at blocks, learn lessons and sort through energy that is attached to me. What has started to happen is that my dreams are becoming stories to me. Last night I had a dream where I referenced this Asian Market that had been in my dreams a few months ago, which then caused my previous dream to flood back into my mind. So I now must think if this market is one I had been to when I went to China as a child, or is this market one I will be going to in my future? This market also is a sanctuary in a big city like New York, which makes me wonder why I am dreaming of being there? I lived in NYC for almost 2 years in 1999. Or is this a city I will oneday live in?

It is so interesting to really pay attention to the subtle signs and lessons from the universe. I feel much more grounded and secure since I started really looking at what was happening in my life. But mostly importantly I don't feel like a victim nor am I scared.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Time to make candles

Now that I have gotten over my cold and I am settled back into my house.... It is time to get back to work.

I am going to sign up for aromatherapy school and start to look into skin care schools.

While I was away on my trip, I had such powerful dreams. I was lucky that I had just started to read Denise Linn's book "Secret Language of Signs". This book was very helpful to me while I processed some old energy blocks from my childhood as well as realizing that my dreams had told me what would happen at my job before it happened. It is funny how signs happen in our life and without the patience to notice them, we truly miss the opportunity to live our most positive life. I recommended Denise's book and radio show on Hay House. It has caused me to pause and truly look at the small details of my surroundings.

So last night as the moon is becoming darker every night, I did a ceremony to release myself and my energy from my negative job experience. I burned all emails from my job as well as released all blocks put in my energy field from that experience. I also realized that this was a very important and necessary experience so I took thanked the universe for my positive experiences and allowed happiness to fill all other areas.

I have three candles burning right now, self courage, grace and new beginnings.

On the new moon, I will have a fire and set my new intentions to lead a authentic and positive life in both areas of my life, work and home life. My new subject for this blog will be how to have a successful balance between home life and work life. This is a very important subject for people who are intuitive and want to live the most authentic life. This topic will also become much more main stream as the younger generations start to enter the work place because the younger generations are no longer content with the current imbalance between work and life outside of life.

I will be updating the blog later today with more lessons I learned on my vacation and why being our most authentic selves really does matter in the universe.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Back to the wonderful west coast

I am back in Olympia and ready to share my journey and pictures.
Except, I have a terrible cold and I need to rest.

I promise to update this weekend.

I can't wait to share all the wonderful photos and stories with everyone!

Friday, October 06, 2006

Blogger.... Sometimes you make me cry

Oh blogger....

Why do you have to shut down after I have written a wonderful post about sitting in my new extra large hooded sweatshirt next to the wood stove in the log cabin, up in the blue ridge moutains of Virginia?

Why do you have to take away my words about how my future is changing and that I realized what I want in life and what my family members want for me are very different. I realized I wanted to share my gifts of community, herbal knowledge and intuition with people and I am no longer going to push my dreams out of the way to please my family.

Why do you have to turn off when I write about how tonight is a full moon and the moutains where I am located are very magical and there is a stone circle near my stepfather's house I like to do energy work in.

So blogger, I ask you... .Why do you not save these wonderful words?

But I am happy and very glad for this break. I can now see a future that makes sense to me and every morning makes me want to get out of bed.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

When in doubt go East

Today I booked a flight to go back to Virginia. My Stepfather's mother passed away last night and I want to go home and support him.

I also miss the east coast very much. I grew up on both the west and east coast so no matter where I live, I always miss the other side. This will also be a nice vacation from the end of my negative job and a time for reflection.

I have so much to do before I leave but I will stay in touch via the blog.

Also, I am rereading the Colette book. I can not believe how much her story has touched me. The idea that living a more powerful life full of truth can be like living a sober life, if you do not take the self care time everyday, that you fall off the wagon and can cause missed guidance, really speaks to me right now. I feel like my job was falling off the spiritual wagon I was on and I am just so happy to be back on track and getting ready for my next journey.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

A must read

Today I spent the day drinking tea and reading on my back porch. This was some must needed relaxation time for me because spirit and the universe has finally redirected my life.

I read Colette Baron-Reid's book. This was an amazing and inspiring story of Colette's journey with becoming secure in her intuition and with her gifts to give readings. This book was also very helpful for me as I transition to a different place in my life.

I would recommend this book to anyone who love's auto-biography's and needs a little help in trying to understand why life has curve balls and how to remain positive during those dark times. Plus, I just love Colette's energy and her radio show on Hay House. She is so fun and loves to laugh which makes her gift feel that more authentic to me.

I don't know if I would buy the book from Amazon.com because right now in life I feel that Amazon.com is the walmart of the internet. They are a large cold company that does not deserve any of my money. So I beg you, find a small independent book store or order this book from Hayhouse.com. We need to support local shop's and companies that treat employee's as the wonderful humans we all are.