As I have talked about before, I am paying more attention to my dreams. This started right before I left my job when I woke up with a pretty strong message on what to do next in my life. (More to come on this in the next two weeks)
It has become a strong theme when right before I left my job I started to work on Julia Cameron's book Vein of Gold.
Every morning I write my three morning pages which is Julia's first lesson. Each morning my pages fill up on themes, images and signs from my dreams. This has been very interesting for me to jump head first into my subconscious and watch myself work at blocks, learn lessons and sort through energy that is attached to me. What has started to happen is that my dreams are becoming stories to me. Last night I had a dream where I referenced this Asian Market that had been in my dreams a few months ago, which then caused my previous dream to flood back into my mind. So I now must think if this market is one I had been to when I went to China as a child, or is this market one I will be going to in my future? This market also is a sanctuary in a big city like New York, which makes me wonder why I am dreaming of being there? I lived in NYC for almost 2 years in 1999. Or is this a city I will oneday live in?
It is so interesting to really pay attention to the subtle signs and lessons from the universe. I feel much more grounded and secure since I started really looking at what was happening in my life. But mostly importantly I don't feel like a victim nor am I scared.
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