Many years ago I lived on the Isle of Iona in Scotland.
This island is a very scared and powerful place to people of many religions. The history tells of a pagan religion here but Iona is also where Saint Columba landed after leaving Ireland. Along with living on Iona, Saint Columba also brought the books of Kells to Iona.
I visit Iona ever couple of years. It is great to see old friends and make new ones. I love this island with all my heart. That's why my dreams last night were amazing!
I was back on Iona. This dream felt so real. The sounds, the smells and the hugs I received from many of my friends in my dream makes me want to go back to Iona right now!
One of my intentions for the future is to live in Scotland. This country is so intense and magical! I know one day I will live in Scotland and live everything about it!
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