This last month has provided several huge lessons from the universe. I still feel like at times I need to pinch myself or remind myself of the quote from Sonia Chouquette " How good can you stand it?"
1. This last month I learned that I do not need to be a victim. This translate into the lesson of if you don't like a situation then just leave. For the last six months I had been very unhappy at my job. The department was a bad fit for me. The work was interesting and the people outside my department were really nice but my department was like the negative bat cave. I finally realized one night that I could leave. I did not have to stay and suffer. I could find another job and trust that the universe will provide.
Which brings me to lesson 2.
2. The universe will provide if you trust enough not to try and control anything. So basically, last month I left my job with nothing lined up. I was just so happy to leave the company I was at that I knew I had made the right decision. Every morning I woke up thanking the universe for the fact I did not have to return to work. I took a vacation, I stayed up late and woke up later. I relaxed and stopped thinking about work. I did a little ceremony and let go of all work related objects I had. I never questioned the universe but truly followed my intuition and gut about getting out of the work situation and allowing something better to come along.
Something better comes along....Lesson 3......
3. Yesterday I received an offer from a company to work in it's product development group. This is a dream job, department and company. How could it have been this simple. I start on Tuesday. I never once worried about finding new work. I did not once get down on myself or beat myself up over leaving the previous job. I did not take the last job personally. This whole time I remained completely positive and excited about myself, my future and my gifts. I did not allow fear based thinking to enter my mind. I just allowed everyday to happen and to see what gifts the universe brought to me.
New Moon tonight!
Tonight marks the new moon and I will be out in my garden, celebrating my much earned lessons and preparing intentions for the next phase of my job life. I really want to let the universe know that I give thanks to them. I also want to give back. Right now I am being called into providing service for others. I do not know what form this will take yet, but I am ready to give to others and the universe, for I no longer live in fear but in abundance!
1 comment:
Emily, I am in a very similar job situation and have a large menagerie of rescue animals depending on me. How did your new company find you? Maybe I'm trying to hard to find a new job. Any thoughts on how to differentiate between what I should be doing and what to leave to the universe? Thanks, Soasha
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